It’s the little things

Day 14 – March SOLSC #sol17

Sometimes on snowy days like this, its nice to sit back and reflect.  As I was sitting by my mom’s fireplace, thinking about what I might write about, I couldn’t help but think about a little something that happened yesterday.

Yesterday, Brad and I somehow managed to get home from work earlier than we usually do.  This, by the way, never ever happens to both of us at the same time.  The days where he may get to sneak out of the city a little earlier; I usually end up having an after school meeting or get caught up staying later at school.  The days where I don’t have meetings and get home earlier; he doesn’t get home until 7 o’clock.

Luck must’ve been on our side.  Getting home “early-ish,” left us with almost an hour or so before we had to get Emma at her after school program.  We could have picked Emma up early – nah.   She likes to stay and play with her friends at her after school program and is never thrilled when she’s picked up early.  We could have done laundry and emptied the dishwasher – nah.  The laundry and dishes will be there later.  So what did we do?  We made a date to go to Starbucks (we hardly ever do this).

Brad went home to shower quickly (his normal after work routine) and I decided to hang out with my mom for a little, while I waited.  When he came to pick me up at my moms, I noticed something was different about him.  When he opened the door, I immediately felt a huge smile come across my face.  There he stood, hair done (no baseball hat), nice jeans on (not the ones with holes), button down on (not the usual t-shirt), and “dress” sneakers (not his Nikes).  We were just going to Starbucks for coffee, but he put in a little extra effort and made our little impromptu date feel even more special.  It’s the little things that make my heart happy!  I’m a lucky lady 🙂


A huge thank you to  Anna, Beth, Betsy, Deb, Kathleen, Lisa, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for all that they do to create a supportive community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write, learn, share and grow.

6 thoughts on “It’s the little things

  1. What a sweet post! I hope you go back and read this sometime in the future, and let it bring a smile to your face once again as the image of your hubby in the doorway did yesterday.


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